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Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturer For Education - ESAW
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ESAW Sonometer (SW-2504)
SW-2504 - ESAW SonometerComprising a teak wood resonance box 1140×125×100 mm length × width × height with meter scales one meter long subdivided in millimeters. One each brass and steel wires of S.W.G. 26 and 24 respectively, attached to a fixed bridge and tensioned by fine adjustment pegs: two m... -
ESAW Sonometer (SW-2513)
SW-2513 - ESAW SonometerOther specifications are the same as that of SW-2504, only brass parts are replaced with aluminium parts. -
ESAW Glass Tube (SW-2138)
ESAW Glass Tube (SW-2138)Spare for Resonance Apparatus, Cat No. 1120180/2, about 84cm long and 2.5cm diameter. -
ESAW Slotted Weight (SW-2522)
SW-2522 - ESAW Slotted Weight Manufactured from 50mm diameter, iron rod&thistype of slotted weight is very much accurate than the above type.500gmx5 powder coated -
ESAW Slotted Weight (SW-2531)
SW-2531 - ESAW Slotted Weight For use with the above type of sonometers, capacity 500gm × 5, iron, black painted. -
ESAW Doppler Ball (SW-2147)
ESAW Doppler Ball (SW-2147)Plastic moulded lightweight ball suitable for Doppler effect fitted with a 9V battery powered tone generator and a speaker inside. The ball can be whirled around on the attached cord to the demonstrate the change in pitch on a moving source. -
ESAW Siren Wheel (SW-2156)
ESAW Siren Wheel (SW-2156)A toothed wheel with a driven handle fitted on a metallic base engaged with a plastic strip. Rotation of the wheel gives a loud rattle sound. The frequency of sound generated by this instrument can be easily calculated by just multiplying No. of teeth on the wheel with t... -
ESAW Spare Electromagnet (SW-2540)
SW-2540 - ESAW Spare Electromagnet Only Electromagnet for Sonometer experiment without step down transformer and without stand. -
ESAW Ripple Tank With Digital Stroboscope (SW-2164)
ESAW Ripple Tank With Digital Stroboscope (SW-2164)As the water waves have the advantage of being visible and can be move at a rate that enables us to see what is happening, which helps in studying the properties of the electromagnetic waves, sound waves or waves in other contexts they all act an...