All Charts are made on PVC rexine, hand-drawn, waterproof, in fast multicolors with a black background. Each chart is provided with rollers to hang on wall. Size 75×100 cm.
1) Frog External character 2) Frog Internal Anatomy 3) Frog Skeleton 4) Frog Skull, different views 5) Frog Development part I-showing stages from egg to Gastrulation 6) Frog Development part II-showing Gastrula to newly hatched Tadpole 7) L. H. Frog showing larvae development Metamorphosis 8) Frog Digestive system 9) Frog Nervous system 10) Frog Reproductive system 11) Frog Excretory system 12) Frog Arterial system 13) Frog Venous system 14) Frog Respiratory system 15) Frog Muscular system 16) Frog Lymphatic system 17) Frog Cranial Nervous system 18) Frog Sense organs 19) Frog V.S.Skin 20) Frog Brain different views 21) Frog Heart different views 22) Frog Eye