Auto Ranging, microprocessor Conductivity TDS / meter for measurement of conductivity and Total Dissolved Solids of liquids
The meter is widely used in environmental and ecological studies for monitoring the purity and concentration of liquids.
Salient Features-
- Multipoint push - button calibration allows user to use customized calibration solutions [Up to 3 points, Default 84uS, 1413uS, 12.88mS and 111.8mS]
- Auto - Ranging for conductivity and TDS measurements.
- Selectable TDS conversion factors and temperature units ( C or F)
- Adjustable TDS factors, cell constants and temperature units.
- Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) ensures highly accurate measurements over the entire range.
- Automatic endpoint function freezes the stable measured values for easy reading and recording data.
- Help message as a operational guide to helps you understand how to use meter.
- Setup menu lets user customizes calibration points, temperature units, automatic or manual hold function, auto-off feature to meet personal preferences.
- Reset function allows user to returns all settings to the factory default values